2024 program committee
The GreenTech Forum Brussels program committee puts together the conference program and selects the speakers. Thank you to all committee members for their investment.
- Olivier VERGEYNST, Executive Director, Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT (program committee leader)
- Thierry CHAPPE, Sustainable IT Director, Paradigm
- Vincent COURBOULAY, Lecturer, La Rochelle University
- Ludwig DE LOCHT, Project Manager, SustAIn.brussels
- Christophe DEBUYSSCHER, ICT Sustainability Manager, European Patent Office
- Magali FRANKL, Director, The Shift
- Vincent GRIGNARD, Partnership Manager, Digitalcity
- Louise MARÉE, Digital and Circular Economy Expert, Agence du Numérique
- Nicolas NEYSEN, Professor and Digital Transformation Lead, HEC Liège
- Victoria RASE, Sustainable IT Project Manager, Brussels Environment
- Virginie ROYER, Delegate to Sustainable IT & Planet Tech'Care, Planet Tech'Care - Numeum
- Max SCHULZE, Executive Chaiman, SDIA
- Steve TUMSON, Civil Engineer, Consultant, Speaker and Lecturer, AlterNumeris
- Elise VANDENBERGHE, Digital Strategy Advisor, hub.brussels