2024 institutional partners

Thank you to all our institutional partners for supporting GreenTech Forum Brussels 2024.

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Agence du Numérique
The Agence du Numérique is the catalyst for the territory's digital transformation, the center of Wallonia's digital expertise and the Government's privileged advisor. In collaboration with its many partners and Wallonia's public service experts, our team is committed to fulfilling its 4 main missions on a daily basis:
  • Advise the Walloon Government on the definition, coordination and follow-up of the regional digital strategy.
  • Monitor technological developments and digital uses to strengthen Wallonia's territorial intelligence.
  • Promote and enhance Wallonia's digital strategy, its digital ecosystems and its excellence in digital uses.
  • Contribute to the implementation of Wallonia's digital strategy and coordinate digital transformation programs and projects.
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Brussels Environment
Created in 1989, Brussels Environment is the administration for the environment and energy in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Our missions ?
  • To study, monitor and manage the air, water, soil, waste, noise, nature (green spaces and biodiversity)
  • But also to issue environmental permits, to monitor compliance with them, to develop and support environmental education projects in Brussels schools, to take part in meetings and negotiations at Belgian and international level...
  • Finally, Brussels Environment has developed its activities in the field of eco-construction and the links between health and the environment
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Digitalcity.brussels is the institution that brings together the key players in the employment & training fields to foster the digital transition of Brussels. Located in a modern environment with top-notch equipments, Digitalcity.brussels offers training services, professional support and events for anyone interested in the digital sector.
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Infopole is the digital actors cluster in Wallonia, and a dynamic operator of the Digital Wallonia strategy. It focuses on the unification and promotion of digital champions, thus strengthening the digital ecosystem. Through key projects from programs like Industrie du Futur, Construction du Future, and Digital Excellence, Infopole significantly contributes to the advancement of the digital sector.
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Paradigm is the public interest organisation driving digital transformation in the Brussels-Capital Region. In this capacity, it acts as an orchestrator of digital capabilities by developing greater coherence, pooling and cross-functionality, while accelerating the transition for the benefit of all.
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Established in 2019 and based in Hamburg, Germany, the Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance e.V. (SDIA) is a nonprofit organization & network working to catalyze the transition to a sustainable digital infrastructure. The SDIA brings together stakeholders from across industries and fields, both public and private, to realize its Roadmap to Sustainable Digital Infrastructure by 2030. It is meant to offer a holistic, systems-thinking approach to solving the challenges facing digital sustainability, ranging from energy supply and data centers, to fiber-optic networks and infrastructure software
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The Shift
The Shift (www.theshift.be) is a non-profit organisation that acts as the Belgian sustainability community. Its network unites a wide range of more than 580 companies, civil society, public and academic actors around one common goal: actively work together towards a more sustainable economy and society. The diversity of its members makes The Shift unique in Europe and in the world.Its mission is to facilitate and accelerate the sustainability agenda, driven by 3 forces:
CONNECT - networking opportunities for members around burning sustainability challenges
COMMIT - helping members to formulate long-term sustainability goals
CHANGE – setting up innovative change projects for the most complex challenges in co-creation with members who want to go the extra mile
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Agence du Numérique

The Agence du Numérique is the catalyst for the territory's digital transformation, the center of Wallonia's digital expertiseand the Government's privileged advisor. In collaboration with its many partners and Wallonia's public service experts, our team is committed to fulfilling its 4 main missions on a daily basis:  
Advise the Walloon Government on the definition, coordination and follow-up of the regional digital strategy.
Monitor technological developments and digital uses to strengthen Wallonia's territorial intelligence.
Promote and enhance Wallonia's digital strategy, its digital ecosystems and its excellence in digital uses
Contribute to the implementation of Wallonia's digital strategy and coordinate digital transformation programs and project.

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BE.IMPACT is a platform gathering impact organizations, accelerating their businesses, amplifying their voices, and aiding funding access.

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Brussels Environment

Created in 1989, Brussels Environment is the administration for the environment and energy in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Our missions ?

To study, monitor and manage the air, water, soil, waste, noise, nature (green spaces and biodiversity)
But also to issue environmental permits, to monitor compliance with them, to develop and support environmental education projects in Brussels schools, to take part in meetings and negotiations at Belgian and international level...
Finally, Brussels Environment has developed its activities in the field of eco-construction and the links between health and the environment.

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CODEF (Coordination and Defence of Social,  Cultural and Environmental Services ASBL), founded in 2002, is a multi-sector  employers' federation representing employers in the non-profit sector in  Wallonia and Brussels. It brings together over 593 ASBLs and almost 5,000  workers. CODEF provides legal and administrative support, advice on social,  legal and political issues, and targeted training. CODEF informs, represents and defends ASBLs  in Wallonia and Brussels-Capital. As a recognized federation, it is a member  of the social partners and is dedicated to projects on digital  responsibility, diversity and inclusion, and environmental transition. Membership of a federation offers strategic  advantages to employers, particularly in terms of representation and  negotiation in social and political forums. Members benefit from better  representation in negotiations, uniting their voices to negotiate effectively  with unions and governments. The federation offers expertise in labor  legislation, taxation and political relations, helping to navigate the  complex landscape of legislation. It actively participates in policy  development, influencing decisions that affect its sector. Membership also  enables you to connect to a network of ASBLs and share information and  expertise. 

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Digitalcity.brussels is the institution that brings together the key players in the employment & training fields to foster the digital transition of Brussels. Located in a modern environment with top-notch equipments, Digitalcity.brussels offers training services, professional support and events for anyone interested in the digital sector.

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FARI is a non-profit university institute on AI, data and robotics focused on the Common Good. We are jointly initiated by two Brussels universities (VUB & ULB) - uniting the interdisciplinary expertise across 10 research groups on AI, data, robotics, social sciences, ethics, and law. We do research and build bridges with public administrations, industry, and citizens, promoting sustainable AI, data & robotics with a focus on urban and public priority domains such as health, mobility, sustainable robotics, climate and energy, participatory and inclusive society.

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Foundation for Future Generations

Founded in 1998, the Foundation for Future Generations is the Belgian foundation dedicated exclusively to sustainable development. A non-profit foundation, it is pluralist, independent and active in all three regions of the country. As a transformative philanthropic platform, the Foundation enables its many partners and donors to invest in future generations to pass on to them a world they can live in. Confident in the capacity of young people to profoundly transform society, the Foundation finances, connects, supports and promotes those who think, prototype, build and consolidate our common future, at 360°.It is mainly active in the worlds of education and research, societal entrepreneurship and impact finance.

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Hub Brussels

The Brussels Business Support Agency is offering free-of-charge a range of solutions and advice for start-ups and scale-ups in Brussels and beyond, as well as services focussing on strategy, finance, clustering and internationalisation.

Its teams assist in the design and development of businesses in Brussels, from the initial idea through to realisation, and guide them in the approaches they take. They also support businesses wishing to export beyond the region/country’s borders, just as they promote foreign investment in Brussels.

Through one-off projects and actions, hub.brussels initiates new dynamics within the local Brussels environment, by encouraging connections between private and public economic stakeholders to strengthen existing links and create new opportunities.

The Agency will provide the government with recommendations based on its in-depth knowledge of Brussels’ economic environment. Statistical and practical indicators on the ground will allow it to carry out informed and illuminating monitoring of the sector and the area, and, in this way, judge the actions implemented by the Region.

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Infopole Cluster

Infopole is the digital actors cluster in Wallonia, and a dynamic operator of the Digital Wallonia strategy. It focuses on the unification and promotion of digital champions, thus strengthening the digital ecosystem. Through key projects from programs like Industrie du Futur, Construction du Future, and Digital Excellence, Infopole significantly contributes to the advancement of the digital sector.

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Innoviris is the public organisation that funds and guides innovation, scientific research and science promotion in the Brussels-Capital Region. Within this framework, Innoviris co-finances and supports cutting-edge innovation projects and scientific research both at startups and large companies, at research centres, the non-profit sector and the public sector to stimulate creative solutions that can contribute to the Brussels region of tomorrow.  Our focus is on research and innovation projects that have the potential to address urban challenges, including in the areas ofmobility, nutrition, health and social inclusion, to create quality employment and to contribute to the social and environmental transition of our economy. To that end, the Regional Innovation Plan 2021-2027 serves as a compass to develop all subsidy and awareness-raising instruments, aligned with the objectives of the Strategy for Intelligent Specialisation and regional strategic plans.  Furthermore, we raise awareness about STEM directions and career opportunities, and about the role of science in society. While facilitating collaborations within the local ecosystem, we represent the Brussels-Capital Region at national, European and international level in the field of research and innovation.

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National Coalition Sustainable Digitization (NCDD)

The National Coalition Sustainable Digitization (NCDD) serves as a platform for those dedicated to fostering a sustainable digital future in the Netherlands. The platform therefore  focuses on facilitating public-private cooperation in order to drive the transition towards sustainable digitization and  facilitates meaningful dialogues among businesses, government, knowledge institutions and civil society organizations. By sharing best practices and innovative solutions, the NCDD empowers everyone from CIO’s to developers and producers to end users.

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Paradigm is the public interest organisation driving digital transformation in the Brussels-Capital Region. In this capacity, it acts as an orchestrator of digital capabilities by developing greater coherence, pooling and cross-functionality, while accelerating the transition for the benefit of all.

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Established in 2019 and based in Hamburg, Germany, the Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance e.V. (SDIA) is a nonprofit organization & network working to catalyze the transition to a sustainable digital infrastructure. The SDIA brings together stakeholders from across industries and fields, both public and private, to realize its Roadmap to Sustainable Digital Infrastructure by 2030. It is meant to offer a holistic, systems-thinking approach to solving the challenges facing digital sustainability, ranging from energy supply and data centers, to fiber-optic networks and infrastructure software.

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SOCIALware gives access to technology for the nonprofit sector. Founded in 2007 and Benelux-wide available, SOCIALware asbl provides nonprofits with the technology they need to achieve their mission. SOCIALware understands the challenges faced by NGOs, and is convinced that the impact of their actions can be amplified by the use of appropriate technologies. They offer free or heavily discounted access to a wide range of softwares, hardware and services. How may a NGO gain access to the program? First,the organization must register for free. Then, the nonprofit status is checked by the team and following some criteria, the non-profit organization may access to all or some partners of the SOCIALware program. The website socialware.be is available in FR and NL. Check it out!

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The Shift

The Shift is a non-profit organisation that acts as the Belgian sustainability community. Its network unites a wide range of more than 580 companies, civil society, public and academic actors around one common goal: actively work together towards a more sustainable economy and society. The diversity of its members makes The Shift unique in Europe and in the world.Its mission is to facilitate and accelerate the sustainability agenda, driven by 3 forces:
CONNECT - networking opportunities for members around burning sustainability challenges
COMMIT - helping members to formulate long-term sustainability goals
CHANGE – setting up innovative change projects for the most complex challenges in co-creation with members who want to go the extra mile

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TCO Certified

TCO Certified is a global certification for more circularand sustainable IT products. A new generation of TCO Certified is developed every three years to drive change. The criteria address the most important sustainability challenges connected to electronics, such as climate impact,hazardous substances, and supply chain responsibility. All criteria are mandatory, and compliance with all criteria is independently verified by accredited experts.

TCO Certified covers most IT products found at the office, such as displays, desktops, notebooks, and those that store data. With a wide choice of certified product models from well-known brands, it is the certification of choice for purchasers seeking to mitigate risks and select IT products responsibly.

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