Tuesday, June 18th | 12:30 - 13:30 | Conference Room 2 | Sustainable IT Infrastructures and Services

Eco-design of digital services: which frameworks (GR491, GreenSoft Model…) to use, what mindset to adopt within IT teams, what skills to develop?

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Vincent DUCAS

Consulting Manager


Senior advisory on responsible digital technology and its contribution to the management of CSR performance

More than 20 years accompanying clients and partners in their digital transformation spanning from innovation, delivery, user experience to responsible tech and data.

Benita HUBE


The UWA Business School

Dr Benita Hube: Doctor of Business Administration with research focus on how a university could build a sustainable competitive advantage through the identification and development of its dynamic capabilities while being able to respond to and create environmental change.




Passionate about complex systems, interoperability and obsessed with IT efficiency, Simon pushes his Master in AI further with doctoral research about automatic unsupervised classification. He leverages his experience in the field of mass hosting to develop a first heterogenous data processing software applied to the IoT world. Ever thirsty for pragmatism and perfectionist, Simon kicks establishment and embarks on a deep-tech concept oriented towards sustainable IT. He designs a digitally sober solution that reinvents the world of micro-services for companies.    

His career as a specialist consultant in software architecture and IT infrastructure allowed Simon to acquire rich knowledge about the company IT landscape, the best practices, and excesses. Simon manages to reconcile technical aspects, cybersecurity imperatives, sovereignty and independence needs with environmental goals and other corporate policy considerations that are often misinterpreted by teams in the field.    

Simon can ask the right questions and offer credible alternatives considering the reality on the field and changes over time. A real asset for managing the change towards new practices in the IT sector, he is the technical failsafe for the success and acceptation from various players to new software eco-design strategies.

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